Dove Baptist Church

On the following pages I will be posting the membership list of Dove Baptist Church of Caldwell, Burleson Co., Texas.   Dove Baptist Church was established in 1843 and is still in Caldwell but is now called  The First Baptist Church.  In 1993 they published a book on the history of the Church titled "Wings of the Dove".  It is a very nice hard bound book and contains amoung other things the minutes of the meetings of the Church from May 1844 - May 1928.  This book sells for $35.00 and can be bought from the Church.  If you are interested in buying a book please email me and I will send you the address of the Church.  I will upload the membership list as I get them typed.  I have the membership list from May 1843 - May 1873 and more are being sent to me, so please check back often for new enteries to this section.

The lists that you will find on the following pages were extracted from the Church membership rolls by Narris Braly and were donated to be placed on these pages for  all of you to use.  Thank you Narris for your contribution and all your hard work.

 Pastors -                   A list of the pastors of Dove Baptist Church and the years they served.

                                                                              Pastors - Church Pastors from who served from 1834-1945.
                                                                              Deacons - Deacons who served from 1845-1949.
                                                                              Trustee's -Trustee's who served from 1854-1935
                                                                              Clerks - Clerks who served from 1843-1940
                                                                              Ministers - Those Ordained by Church 1852-1924

Colored Members

Restored Members

The membership lists on the pages below are from a different Roll Call book from the ones above.
They cover the years 1873 - 1901

Revised List  - Many of the names on this list are of members who may have been listed on other rolls but please check
                       them for addtional information or names that may not be on any of the list I have posted.

Camp Gee  - A list of Members received a the Camp Meeting a Gee Spring Aug. 21, 1874.

1875-1876 - A list of membership actions for the years of 1875 & 1876.

 2nd Creek - A list of those who joined the Church at a Camp Meeting help on 2nd Creek and conducted by
                     Bro. Penn Aug 1879.

 1874-1885 - A list covering membership activity for the years of 1874-1885.

 1886 -          A list of membership activity for the year 1886.  Most of the names on this list are of members who
                      joined Dove Baptist Church on June 19, 1886.

 1887 -          A list of membership activity for the year of 1887.

 1888-1891 - A list of membership activity for the years 1888-1891

There are two lines on a page that say the following
June 12, 1892- 1 Baptism, 2 Letter, 3 Restored
July 1892 at poor Farm Camp- 52 Baptism, 5 Letter, 2 Restored

Poor Farm Camp - A list of membership activity which includes the Poor Farm Camp.

1895-1901 - A list of membership activity which takes place during the years of 1895-1901

This next section if a list of church Members for
June 1893-Dec. 31, 1925
  A     B  C    D   E    G    H  I    J   K   L  M   N  O   P  Q   R    S   T   U   V   W   X  Y  Z
 Additional List
These next two sections are names taken from other list found in the record
book of the church.  These names may or may not have been listed previously.

A - H

J - Z

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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